English words and Examples of Usage
Sentences for "include"
A single ant colony can include over 5 million busy membersThe grammar book
includes lists of irregular verbs, phrasal verbs, and spelling rules.
A single ant colony can
include over 5 million busy members.
Our language lab
includes all the latest computing technology.
The first settlers from England,
including a group of convicts, arrived in Sydney, Australia in January of 1788.
Cash crops of Colombia
include coffee, bananas, flowers, cacao, cotton, sugar, and tobacco.
It has been shown in science that there is no natural category that
includes chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans, but excludes humans.
The festivities
included a huge display of fireworks.
Officially, there are 70 winning moves in sumo wrestling,
including twists, thrusts, flips, and shoves.
The charge for the hotel room
includes breakfast.
We really should
include Donna in our plans for the party.
inclusion of the children in the discussions for the Christmas show was a great idea.
All prices shown are
inclusive of both federal and provincial tax.
The tournament is being held from December fourth to tenth
Mario Gretzky will certainly be considered for
inclusion in the annual all-star team.
The rent for the flat is �300
inclusive of telephone, heat and electricity.
Over the years, the club has become much more
inclusive and, in fact, now has many female members.
America is a multicultural country
inclusive of all races, cultures and nationalities.
Mahatma Gandhi once noted that freedom is not worth having if it does not
include the freedom to make mistakes.
A Tamil proverb advises, If you are buying a cow, make sure that the price of the tail is
The United States is home to the United Nations, and many of its agencies, including the World Bank.
When people talk about drug abuse, they never seem to
include alcoholism or smoking, which are probably the most common forms of drug abuse in our society.
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