
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "graze"

The fields have been grazed by sheep, and are getting quite bareThe cows were grazing in the field when the wolves came.

The fields have been grazed by sheep, and are getting quite bare.

There were large herds of grazing animals, such as zebras, antelope and others, spread out across the savannah.

The young boy took the horses out to the meadow to graze.

The bullet hit him in the chest, grazed his heart, and exited out his back.

The farmer owned a few acres of grazing land, as well as a field of vegetables.

The batter swung at the ball, just grazing it.

In April of 1912, after grazing an iceberg, the ocean liner Titanic sank about 400 miles south of Newfoundland.

I swatted at the fly, grazing it slightly - a fly's equivalent of a kick in the ass.

The striker fired the ball towards the goal, where it grazed the post, and then rolled into the net.

The horses were galloping across the meadow, the cows were grazing in the pasture, the pigs were playing in the mud, and I was sitting on the porch watching it all, and drinking a cold beer.

An Ethiopian proverb notes that the cattle is as good as the pasture in which it grazes.

A Chinese proverb notes that a good horse will never return to graze on grass it has already passed by.

William Wordsworth wrote, The cattle are grazing, their heads never raising; there are forty feeding like one!

The cow-monsters of Saturn love to graze on the skyscrapers of Earth.

When flocks of crows graze in a field, lookouts are posted to watch for approaching danger.

An African legend suggests that coffee was discovered after an Ethiopian shepherd noticed that his sheep stayed awake all night after grazing on coffee cherries.

During World War I, the American President's wife grazed sheep on the front lawn of the White House.

The Maasai have grazed their cattle on the vast grassy plains of Serengeti for thousands of years.

Grazing animals such as cows are quite vulnerable to attacks from predators because they have to eat frequently.

Experts agree that by leaving the rainforests intact and harvesting its many nuts, fruits, oil-producing plants, and medicinal plants, the rainforest has more economic value than if it is cut down to make grazing land for cattle or for timber.

K�the Kollwitz once wrote, No longer diverted by other emotions, I work the way a cow grazes.

Find someone who has seen animals grazing at a farm.

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