English words and Examples of Usage
Sentences for "fancy"
I just had on a T-shirt and jeansEveryone at the party was wearing
fancy clothes, except me. I just had on a T-shirt and jeans.
Do you
fancy going to a movie tonight?
I think Robert
fancies a girl in his class because his teacher says he follows her everywhere.
She doesn't really
fancy herself as a great player, but she does very well nonetheless.
fancied Brazil and Korea to be in the final of the World Cup this year.
The toy came in a big,
fancy package that probably cost more to make than the toy itself.
My mum loved to wear
fancy jewelry: big rings, gold necklaces, silver bracelets, and that sort of thing.
My neighbor sends his kids to some
fancy private school that costs thousands of dollars a year.
My wife loves to go out dancing, but I don't really
fancy that sort of thing.
My niece had a big,
fancy wedding that must have cost my brother and his wife at least �5,000.
I think the secretary
fancies you, Bob. You should ask her out tonight.
fancy Liverpool in the final, but my friends are all betting on Manchester.
fanciful ideas for our marketing campaigns are rarely taken seriously by the others in the office.
Marie Lloyd once observed that a little of what you
fancy does you good.
The Marquis de Sade once stated that all universal moral principles are idle
Charles Reade once suggested that the joys we expect are not so bright, nor the troubles so dark as we
fancy they will be.
There is an Iranian proverb which tells us that the loveliest faces are to be seen by moonlight, when one sees half with the eye and half with the
Madame Swetchine once noted that we deceive ourselves when we
fancy that only weakness needs support. Strength needs it far more.
Voltaire observed that it is new
fancy rather than taste which produces so many new fashions.
Julia Child once stated that you don't have to cook
fancy or complicated masterpieces - just good food from fresh ingredients.
Sophocles noted that knowledge must come through action; you can have no test which is not
fanciful, save by trial.
Discussion question: Would you rather have a small, simple wedding, or a big, fancy one?
Find someone who likes to wear fancy clothes.
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