
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "equity"

We have a lot of equity tied up in our chalet, and we never even use it anymoreSince purchasing our house, the equity in our property has gone up by 10%.

We have a lot of equity tied up in our chalet, and we never even use it anymore.

There is no equity in the government's tax cuts; only the rich benefit.

The policy of this government is to promote equity in its hiring practices.

We need to find a solution to the problem which is equitable for all the parties involved.

Our equity funds are doing very well at the moment.

We put �50 a month into a personal equity plan.

Mary Jean LeTendre once observed that excellence in education need not mean elitism, and equity need not mean mediocrity.

Actress Lauren Bacall once said that in Hollywood, an equitable divorce settlement means each party getting fifty percent of publicity.

The Bible says of God that With righteousness shall he judge the world: and the people with equity.

Christina Stead once said that if equity and human natural reason were allowed, there would be no law, there would be no lawyers.

Pascal Blaise once noted that it is not permitted to the most equitable of men to be a judge in his own cause.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once remarked, Let us understand that the equitable rule is, that no one should take more than his share, let him be ever so rich.

Gore Vidal once said that the genius of our ruling class is that it has kept a majority of the people from ever questioning the inequity of a system where most people drudge along, paying heavy taxes for which they get nothing in return.

Arlie Hochschild once noted that even when couples share more equitably in the work at home, women do two-thirds of the daily jobs at home, like cooking and cleaning up.

The Toronto Stock Exchange is this country's largest Canadian equities market.

We have a number of different equities in our investment portfolio.

Based on the equity I have built up over the years, my bank will allow me to borrow fifty thousand dollars for that luxury yacht I have always dreamed of.

David Suzuki once remarked that poverty and the unacceptable inequities in distribution of wealth, both between and within countries, lie at the heart of violence and terror.

In Korea's corporate sector, overall results of restructuring have been quite positive, with the debt-equity ratio improving dramatically.

In May 1998, the aggregate ceiling on foreign investment in Korean equities was abolished.

Find someone who believes men and women should have full equity in the event of a divorce.

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