
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "demand"

My boss makes too many demands on meI demand that you leave immediately!

My job is quite demanding at times, but I really enjoy it, nonetheless.

My boss makes too many demands on me. I think he needs to hire more help.

The Opposition has demanded an explanation from the Government.

The men who hijacked flight 413 to London have demanded over �5 million in ransom.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization has demanded that all Israeli settlements be removed from the Occupied Territories.

Their son is quite demanding at times, and takes a lot of energy to baby-sit.

Gangster Al Capone once remarked, I am like any other man. All I do is supply a demand.

There is a Russian proverb which states that where necessity speaks, it demands.

About half of the world's turtle species face possible extinction, due in large part to a growing demand for turtles as food, and as a source of traditional medicines.

A recent study reveals that good marriages may protect couples against the stress of demanding jobs in which the worker has little control.

Language courses are generally very demanding, and require regular study.

The body's demand for oxygen increases during strenuous exercise.

Many of Turkmenistan's people are demanding a greater role for Islam in their laws and society.

With a full-time job, night courses and two small children, Jill simply had too many demands on her time.

Schools in Serbia are very demanding, with the result that Serbian students who move to the U.S. often get very high marks in American schools.

In 1547, a battle between the Scots and the English was sparked by English demands that Edward VI, aged 10, marry 5-year-old Mary, Queen of Scots.

Experts say that global energy demand is expected to triple by mid-century.

A recent study suggests that people who continue to engage in intellectually-demanding activities throughout their lives may not experience the same decline in memory processes experienced by other older people.

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