
English words and Examples of Usage

Example Sentences for "current"

When I was little, I liked to throw a tree branch in the water, and then follow it as the current carried it down the streamWhat is the current rate of interest for a savings account?

The Canadian dollar is currently worth about 82� American.

When I was little, I liked to throw a tree branch in the water, and then follow it as the current carried it down the stream.

A hiker was drowned off the west coast of the island when he went swimming, and was carried out to sea by the strong currents.

Open the window so we can get a current of fresh air moving through the house.

The electrical current isn't very strong for the outlet in the bathroom.

There are currently a number of different therapies being used to combat AIDS.

She is currently working for the government in the Department of Finance.

The Dalai Lama tells us, In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.

It is dangerous to swim in the river because the current is very strong.

There is a Dutch proverb which observes that it is hard to swim against the current.

Water from the North Pacific can be carried by deep ocean currents right around Africa, and into the North Atlantic.

In one second, 6,242,000,000,000,000,000 electrons pass any given point in an electrical current.

Electrical current is measured in cycles.

In electricity, frequency is the measure of the number of cycles of current per second.

Studies show that more than half of all current tobacco users have tried to quit at least once during the past year.

Mainland China would like to regain control of Taiwan, which is currently an independent republic.

Without the Gulf Stream, a warm current in the Atlantic Ocean, the temperature in France would fall to -40 degrees in winter.

The current state of a love relationship has been shown to be the best predictor of the longevity of that relationship.

The Earth's shorelines represent a dynamic system which is continually being modified by the forces of ocean waves and currents.

Discussion question: What are the most serious political issues currently facing your country?

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