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Use become apparent in a sentence - Example Sentences for become apparent

It was released in 1978, by which time it had become apparent that Lowell George's interest in the band was waning, as was his health.

It has since become apparent that Lloyd was warned against racist behaviour prior to going into the house, in an email sent to her by her agent at the time, Angela de Fouw.

By the beginning of May, the futility of the Bermuda Conference had become apparent.

The need for a new rifle had become apparent, especially with a switch to a smokeless powder going on (started by the French in 1886).

1939/40: Moving to the DC system Third rail on the Hamburg S-Bahn, here with a plastic cover In the 1930s, after almost 30 years of service, the necessity to renew the trains and infrastructure of the Hamburg S-Bahn had become apparent.

However, it had become apparent by then that the revolutionary cause had lost its momentum.

As Walter P. Wenska states, "Bradford writes most of his history out of his nostalgia, long after the decline of Pilgrim fervor and commitment had become apparent.

Through the analysis of film techniques, differences between filmmakers' styles become apparent.

In episode 204, Nahoul visits the zoo where streaks of cruelty become apparent for the (first?) time.

Carrie's powers become apparent after her humiliation by her peers, teachers, and mother.

In Scandinavia the effect of Roman law did not become apparent until the 17th century, and the courts grew out of the things - the assemblies of the people.

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The word become apparent

Example sentences with the become apparent, a sentence example for become apparent, and how to make become apparent in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for become apparent how do I use the word become apparent in a sentence? How do you spell become apparent in a sentence? spelling of become apparent

The word usage examples above have been gathered from various free and GNU sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of These sentence are taken from under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC.