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Use basic technique in a sentence - Example Sentences for basic technique

Jerome K. Jerome, Three Men in a Boat (1889) The basic technique of punting is to shove the boat along with a pole by pushing directly on the bed of the river or lake.

Variations Several variations of the basic technique can be applied, depending on what the researcher wants to study.

When performing Ushirogeri as a basic technique, the first thing to do is move the front foot across the body then turn sharply through 180 degrees.

Basic technique and patience are in need of continual work.

Our ATBA qualified instructors will provide you with boards and all safety equipment and give you a lesson in basic technique and style - you might even get good enough to try out the jumps!

The basic technique is traditional water colour.

Keep in mind that once you learn to roast a chicken you can then roast fish, lamb or really any ingredient because the basic technique stays the same.

The basic technique is to sink the pan into the water a bit and start shaking it back and forth and side to side.

The same basic technique can be used on duck breast to make duck prosciutto.

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The word basic technique

Example sentences with the basic technique, a sentence example for basic technique, and how to make basic technique in sample sentence, Synonyms and Collocations for basic technique how do I use the word basic technique in a sentence? How do you spell basic technique in a sentence? spelling of basic technique

The word usage examples above have been gathered from various free and GNU sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of These sentence are taken from under the Creative Commons License CC BY-NC.