closely connected in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "closely connected"

They were closely connected to the Sahak royal technical academies, which were overseen by the same offices.

Among them, the Ghattadakore is a direct branch of Coastal Yakshagana, while Mudalapaya is the most closely connected form.

Victoria Kamamalu, in June, 1866, and his encouragement of lascivious hula hula dancers and the pernicious class of Kahunas or sorcerers. closely connected with this reaction was a growing jealousy and hatred of foreigners.

The realizations of combined and joint operations, in alliance or coalitions, are closely connected to communications and information systems.

They are played on national holidays and festivals, and have also come to be closely connected with sporting events.

In both instances the diet was closely connected with the idea of nonviolence towards animals (called ahimsa in India) and was promoted by religious groups and philosophers.

Other EastEnders families and the Watts The Watts are closely connected to the Fowlers.

Laws pertaining to renouncers are closely connected to and overlap with laws relating to the dead.

Although Vengi had a separate political existence, it was so closely connected to the Chola Empire, for all practical purposes, the Chola dominion extended up to the banks of the Godavari river.

This design value is closely connected and associated with political movements and subsequent building programs.

The area's history is inevitably closely connected with ship and boat building but more with its timber trade.

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Example sentences with the closely connected, a sentence example for closely connected, and how to make closely connected in sample sentence, how do I use the word closely connected in a sentence? How do you spell closely connected in a sentence? spelling of closely connected

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