central feature in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "central feature"

Petrycy's central feature was his linking of philosophical theory with the requirements of practical national life.

However, it is a central feature of engines that use Rete networks.

The front elevation of nine bays has a Venetian window above the main entrance as its central feature.

He was responsible for the construction of the dome, the building's central feature.

The division of labor is a central feature for gender based inequality.

His covers, cartoons and illustrations were a central feature of Oz magazine, both in Australia and in London.

The school's emblem is the same pelican that is the central feature of the Lechmere family coat of arms.

Birdbaths often are the central feature of an overall plan for a garden setting that includes natural nectar and food plants, shrubs, trees, and feeders.

A central feature is the development of a simulation methodology for health service planning and budgeting.

"We designed the main open plan office around this unusual central feature to create a fresh, airy space with a contemporary feel.

The profiled face is not the central feature of the painting.

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Example sentences with the central feature, a sentence example for central feature, and how to make central feature in sample sentence, how do I use the word central feature in a sentence? How do you spell central feature in a sentence? spelling of central feature

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