carefully selected in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "carefully selected"

About eighty fieldworkers (mostly graduate students, but also some professors) were trained in phonetic transcription and fieldwork techniques and sent to 1,002 carefully selected communities across the country.

It states that they are all unavoidable urges of mankind, carefully selected by Christianity to ensure that all men will inevitably sin, as no one can avoid engaging in these instinctive urges.

Outcomes Recent research has shown that in carefully selected patients, people who transition young suffer few ill effects, and maintain a higher level of functioning than before transition.

The gallery works closely with carefully selected artists, developing these relationships whilst offering a flexible system of collaboration alongside exclusive representation.

Befrienders are carefully selected and trained and receive ongoing support.

Since Burton disliked wearing period clothing, Gielgud conceived a production in a "rehearsal"setting with a half-finished set and actors wearing their street clothes (carefully selected while the production really was in rehearsal).

Hirsch, 41. Portraits, prints, maps, charts, and books have been carefully selected to replicate the Priestleys' holdings.

The flowers selected for the arrangements made by the ancient Egyptians were carefully selected according to their symbolic meaning, with an emphasis placed on religious meaning.

Our listeners are carefully selected for their non-judgmental attitude (many of whom have direct experience of self-injury) and who all accept this as a valid and creative way of coping.

The sizes have been carefully selected to provide hinges of the right material widths, and strengths to meet most customer needs.

We cannot be sure, however, since the judge was carefully selected and parachuted in to act instead of local magistrates.

73 more results not shown.

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