broader context in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "broader context"

Broader context It is generally assumed that the pattern of the OWL is a manifestation of some deeper physical structure or process (the "ur-OWL"), which might be elucidated by studying the effects it has on other structures.

This history is going to focus on the the Creston Band of the Lower Kootenay, who call themselves the Yaqan Nu'kiy Ktunaxa, or the marsh or water people of the Ktunaxa, but it will also situate this group in the broader context of all the Ktunaxa tribes.

Within the broader context of inclusive education, research interest include gender, ethnic and cultural diversity, citizenship and overcoming barriers to participation.

This book presents a modern reassessment of his career, while setting him in a broader context than has usually been the case.

The contributions of each should be carefully weighed against those of the others, and each must be assessed in the broader context of the greater impact of public health measures achieved earlier in the twentieth century.

A protocol would also be useful in educating newly qualified archivists who understand the individual projects but seem to be less aware of the broader context of the networking agenda.

What follows is an attempt to both find this elusive burial site and to explore its significance in the broader context of just who Vortigern might have been.

A self critical stance in relationship to the broader context of contemporary fine art practice is promoted.

In a broader context, this work sits within the new I2 NanoTech Centre which was launched just before Christmas, with involvement from all over Engineering and Science.

The broader context: each stage of one's career from leaving college to retirement is a time for making choices for the future.

It remains to put the technique into a broader context.

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broad spectrum in a sentence - broadly defined in a sentence - %link3%

Example sentences with the broader context, a sentence example for broader context, and how to make broader context in sample sentence, how do I use the word broader context in a sentence? How do you spell broader context in a sentence? spelling of broader context

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