alternative source in a sentence

English words and Examples of use

Example Sentences for "alternative source"

Anne also became ever more reliant on the advice of Harley, who, convinced that the duumvirate 's policy of appeasing the Whig Junto was unnecessary, had set himself up as alternative source of advice to a sympathetic Queen.

An alternative source of power for the threshing machine.

An alternative source of the same information is the anonymous ftp server at

In other words, no potatoes, pasta or rice.Eat only vegetables and white meat or fish (or an alternative source of protein if Vegetarian) 7.

Alternatively they may be advised on the best product to use but then purchase this from an alternative source.

Where mains gas is unavailable, such as in many rural areas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a clean, independent, cost effective and reliable and alternative source of power - in bulk tanks or cylinders.

In rural areas where mains gas is unavailable, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is a clean, independent, cost effective and reliable alternative source of power - in bulk tanks or cylinders.

Davenport House Surgery cannot be responsible if this occurs or your browser is directed to an undesirable alternative source.

Evidence will normally be required which demonstrates that an alternative source of finance either cannot be obtained, or would require too onerous security.

Bush said he spoke with officials in Estonia about strengthening bonds with former Soviet republics "so that countries that are totally dependent on sources of energy from Russia have an alternative source of supply to help them with their security."

But so too was the slump that began five years ago in the building sector in Portugal, which used to provide an alternative source of revenue for poorly qualified workers such as fishermen.

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Example sentences with the alternative source, a sentence example for alternative source, and how to make alternative source in sample sentence, how do I use the word alternative source in a sentence? How do you spell alternative source in a sentence? spelling of alternative source

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