
English words and Examples of Usage

use "creep over" in a sentence

The two Tallons are very large, in proportion to the foot, and handsomly shap'd in the manner describ'd in the Figures, by AB, and AC, the bigger part of them from A to dd, is all hairy, or brisled, but toward the top, at C and B smooth, the tops or points, which seem very sharp turning downwards and inwards, are each of them mov'd on a joint at A, by which the Fly is able to open or shut them at pleasure, so that the points B and C being entered in any pores, and the Fly endeavouring to shut them, the Claws not onely draw one against another, and so fasten each other, but they draw the whole foot, GGADD forward, so that on a soft footing, the tenters or points GGGG, (whereof a Fly has about ten in each foot, to wit, two in every joint) run into the pores, if they find any, or at least make their way; and this is sensible to the naked eye, in the feet of a Chafer, which, if he be suffer'd to creep over the hand, or any other part of the skin of ones body, does make his steps as sensible to the touch as the sight.

I chanced to observe a very smal creature creep over the Book I was reading, very slowly; having a Microscope by me, I observ'd it to be a creature of a very unusual Schem.

” asked Pug, as the two began to creep over the top of the parapet.

And dreary, and chill, and dismal, that morrow did creep over!

You say some story must be attached to those walls; some legendary interest, of a darker nature, ought to be associated with the mute stone and mortar; you feel a mingled awe and curiosity creep over you as you gaze.

She wondered how she had ever believed a syllable against him; she wondered how the Egyptian had been enabled to exercise a power against Glaucus; she felt a chill creep over her as she again turned to his warning against Arbaces, and her secret fear of that gloomy being darkened into awe.

It may have been that she saw upon her face some traces which she knew were lingering in her own soul, if not yet written on that index; but, as the woman came on, returning her gaze, fixing her shining eyes upon her, undoubtedly presenting something of her own air and stature, and appearing to reciprocate her own thoughts, she felt a chill creep over her, as if the day were darkening, and the wind were colder.

And dreary, and chill, and dismal, that morrow did creep over! Her old cheerfulness began to depart, and a cloud to creep over her like the shadow of an eclipse.

But as I sat alone that night in the library the words seemed to assume an entirely new force, and a strange suspicion began to creep over me.

It began to creep over him.

When Lupin rose to go I noticed a malicious smile creep over his face.

& died back in a sentence .. caught up in in a sentence .. English Collocations

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