cock-up - chalked-out - could-do-with - crank-out - dined-out - come-upon - clouded-over - count-among - dished-out - creep-in - cheer-on - cruised-through - counted-off - cranked-up - come-out-with - creamed-off - cast-around-for - coasted-along - crop-up - dashed-down - come-off-it - cap-off - chew-out - covered-for - choke-up - come-about - come-down-to - died-for - clamp-down-on - chop-down - come-around - dish-out - dreamed-up - crept-into - cut-down-on - crept-out - choked-out - chipped-in - dash-down - copped-it - did-up - chased-down - check-by - closed-in-upon - came-up-against - choked-off - clogged-up - dealt-in - count-on - crept-over - count-up - chatted-up - cross-up - dined-out-on - check-in - carry-on - cling-on-to - chose-up - chucked-out - cranked-out - cling-to - dig-into - cheered-up - count-against - contracted-out - closed-off - chat-up - claw-back - disagree-with - draw-back - clean-up - come-around-to - come-round - cropped-up - carve-out - contracted-in - cool-off - counted-among - crashed-out - cross-out - cry-out - die-for - come-across - came-through-with - carted-off - decide-upon - contract-out - dole-out - divided-up - crank-up - cater-to - chill-out - cruise-through - die-away - doze-off - cocked-up - canceled-out - chopped-up - dipped-in - chipped-away-at - doubled-as - dig-out - chew-up - dawn-on - catch-on - come-down-upon - come-apart - came-through - came-up-with - came-up - cared-for - cast-off - checked-out-of - cleaned-out - conjured-up - cried-off - cut-up - dashed-off - dozed-off - chew-on - die-down - clear-off - chase-down - cobble-together - count-out - catch-up - catch-up-with - chewed-on - cream-off - charged-with - chalk-up - come-through - cater-for - counted-for - draw-down - chalked-up-to - counted-against - chimed-in - chucked-in - cheer-up - did-out-of - catch-up-in - doubled-back - came-upon - come-on - cast-about-for - cast-aside - caught-on - caught-up-on - check-off - cleaned-up - coughed-up - chased-up - dipped-into - care-for - come-by - down-on - damp-down - choked-up - checked-off - do-over - cast-out - crept-out-on - drank-up - draw-up - counted-on - draw-upon - chime-in - clear-out - carry-through - catch-up-on - clear-up - cash-in-on - clog-up - double-over - cash-in - check-out - change-over - come-in-for - cut-back-on - cover-for - cut-out-for - catch-at - carried-over - dream-of - come-before - carved-up - die-off - carve-up - count-in - cozy-up - cozy-up-to - come-forth - counted-up - decide-on - dipped-out - creep-out - dawned-on - cooled-off - chewed-out - come-into-use - chuck-in - chop-up - counted-down - cottoned-on - check-over - close-out - cracked-up - counted-in - dig-in - charge-with - chucked-up - caught-up - caught-up-with - dive-in - done-with - creep-up-on - carried-forward - carved-out - down-with - come-down-with - count-down - come-up - come-up-with - dine-out - cozied-up - cozied-up-to - did-in - come-in - cross-off - chanced-upon - dive-into - dine-out-on - closed-in - close-down - do-in - creep-into - divvied-up - dish-up - checked-into - carried-on - cling-on - come-down - double-as - do-away-with - cut-across - catered-for - cart-off - deal-in - did-with - chased-off - draw-even - choose-up - chickened-out - charge-up - cashed-out - chance-upon - dash-off - count-off - doubled-up - carry-forward - did-over - cave-in - cotton-on - count-upon - check-out-of - come-into - come-out-in - come-out - close-off - cry-off - cut-it-out - count-for - cash-up - cheered-on - chip-in - crack-on - cop-out - carry-on-with - double-up - came-to - carried-out - cleared-away - decided-on - did-without - dived-into - doubled-over - clean-off - carried-away - churn-out - do-with - carried-through - close-on - clear-away - cost-up - cash-out - cut-through - choke-out - covered-up - draw-into - come-to - dished-up - dreamed-of - come-from - draw-out - dip-into - count-towards - chalked-up - clam-up - dial-in - deal-with - choke-off - crept-in - decided-upon - carry-off - cool-down - drag-on - churned-out - crack-up - divvy-up - damped-down - come-off - crossed-out - closed-in-on - cut-back - chicken-out - carry-over - caught-out - cleared-off - click-through - cloud-over - chewed-over - do-up - crack-down-on - closed-down - chalk-out - crossed-off - carried-off - cast-up - cracked-on - die-out - chip-away-at - cut-off - come-up-against - chew-over - contract-in - chewed-up - counted-towards - did-away-with - dived-in - chase-off - cleared-up - died-down - caught-at - dragged-on - cooled-down - caved-in - died-back - creep-over - caught-up-in - died-off - close-in-on - close-in - died-away - conjure-up - charged-up - counted-out - close-up - checked-by - conk-out - dealt-with - cut-down - cancel-out - disagreed-with - draw-in - come-down-on - divide-up - cashed-in - cashed-in-on - chopped-down - climbed-down - closed-up - cried-out - cut-out - cough-up - clean-out - double-back - cut-in - come-out-of - checked-over - dredge-up - come-over - chew-off - dialed-in - check-into - cheat-on - climb-down - doled-out - close-in-upon - checked-in - checked-out - carry-out - come-back - closed-out - dip-in - closed-on - cover-up - chucked-away - draw-on - changed-over - do-out-of - cleaned-off - cleared-out - dial-up - cobbled-together - dig-up - die-back - dialed-into - come-along - cut-out-on - chuck-away - died-out - clown-about - catered-to - counted-upon - coast-along - < bottle-up - ate-away - be-in-on - bag-out - came-forth-with - beefed-up - banked-on - blaze-away - bump-off - booked-into - call-round - block-in - act-out - burn-off - bounce-back - bundled-out - buy-out - blurt-out - asked-in - broke-through - came-over - block-out - blew-in - butter-up - bog-in - bitch-up - broke-out-in - broke-out - bargain-for - botched-up - boiled-down - broke-for - break-up - barged-in - break-away - asked-around - belong-to - asked-out - ask-around - breezed-into - ask-for - blew-over - bricked-up - bottled-up - bring-around - bear-down-on - called-around - came-out-of - act-on - banged-up - bulked-up - bend-down - bolster-up - asked-about - came-forth - backed-away - belt-out - balls-up - bumped-into - blow-down - burned-down - black-out - boil-up - bulk-up - bundle-out - braced-up - bend-over-backwards - bog-down - built-up - call-after - call-off - calm-down - belong-with - back-into - be-after - brought-around - bump-into - belonged-with - answer-for - board-out - buckled-down - bend-over - break-off - bawl-out - burned-up - bring-round - branch-out - breeze-in - bounce-off - bottle-away - be-taken-aback - bumped-off - auction-off - bounced-back - beat-out - brush-off - agree-with - brighten-up - accounted-for - bargain-down - allowed-for - acted-out - asked-over - ate-in - ate-up - banged-on - bought-out - broke-up - brought-back - brought-out - brushed-off - called-up - be-away - came-into - bricked-in - build-up - bang-on - acted-on - brought-forward - bowled-over - belt-up - bring-out - bowled-out - burn-down - buckle-under - called-round - be-fed-up - be-cut-out-for - ate-out - branched-out - argued-out - blow-in - came-out-with - bottle-out - buy-into - butt-out - called-back - be-taken-with - added-up - added-up-to - add-up-to - break-into - bargained-for - brought-on - allow-of - bounce-into - bump-up - buck-up - boxed-in - ask-in - argued-down - bail-out-on - broke-out-of - acted-up - called-at - answered-for - buckled-up - came-across - account-for - bang-out - came-back - buzzed-around - call-on - abided-by - came-along - added-on - add-on - bargain-on - botch-up - came-out - book-in - book-up - be-cut-up - argue-out - bring-forward - bowl-out - box-in - bring-up - ask-out - banged-about - bring-off - bumped-up - break-out-in - bail-out-of - brushed-up - acted-upon - bring-out-in - back-away - be-off - call-for - block-off - be-along - belonged-to - blew-up - bought-into - be-down-on - called-for - answered-back - bailed-out-of - broke-away - blow-out - be-down-with - call-in - blow-off - allowed-of - break-out-of - blew-away - blocked-up - block-up - bubble-over - brought-along - bear-up - break-down - bought-off - be-onto - barge-into - boss-about - bawled-out - burned-out - came-in - came-down - blow-over - call-at - call-out - angle-for - buy-up - breeze-through - bordered-on - burn-up - bust-up - bear-up-under - blazed-away - blanked-out - blow-up - asked-after - called-after - burn-out - bear-with - border-on - boot-up - aim-at - bore-out - back-down - came-off - act-upon - ache-for - blared-out - came-from - add-up - bring-in - bash-in - back-up - bundle-up - blurted-out - angled-for - burst-into - ached-for - blacked-out - boiled-over - bore-up - bundled-up - came-around - came-around-to - answer-back - brush-up - bone-up - bone-up-on - bailed-out - booted-up - broke-off - call-forth - called-forth - buoy-up - book-into - be-down - boil-down - boil-down-to - ate-into - blocked-off - blocked-in - bring-about - bought-up - breezed-through - bring-forth - blocked-out - brought-off - backed-off - bottomed-out - brought-down - brick-in - be-not-on - backed-out - backed-out-of - bolstered-up - came-out-in - bounced-off - bed-down - bear-out - buckled-under - burned-off - broke-into - boiled-up - booked-in - bundle-off - beamed-up - backed-down - call-back - buy-in - bank-on - asked-for - blast-off - bottom-out - boarded-up - brought-forth - buffed-up - break-in - blew-down - brightened-up - ask-after - blew-off - brought-up - brought-in - be-up-to - abide-by - came-about - bug-out - buckle-up - blasted-off - called-off - bring-down - beat-up - boned-up - boned-up-on - bed-out - brought-about - beat-down - breeze-into - book-out - came-on - bore-with - ball-up - calmed-down - ask-about - called-on - aimed-at - buzz-around - bounced-into - came-apart - butt-in - bring-on - backed-up - bucket-down - be-up - auctioned-off - broke-in - bubbled-over - bundled-off - came-by - came-in-for - came-round - buy-off - bought-in - bring-along - called-out - bail-up - beef-up - buckle-down - blow-away - be-out-of - be-out - break-through - brought-round - boxed-up - barge-in - called-in - bossed-around - booked-out - booked-up - brought-out-in - bang-up - brace-up - bail-out - be-on - be-out-to - allow-for - buzz-off - bogged-down - break-for - break-out - backed-into - blew-out - board-up - bore-on - broke-down - bowl-over - bring-back - blank-out - be-up-for - act-up - be-in - bear-on - call-up - argue-down - banged-out - back-out-of - back-out - came-before - boil-over - box-up - back-off - - English Collocations example Sentences at-the-same-time - afterwards - again - also - altogether - and - and-then - and-yet - as-a-result - as-an-illustration - as-has-been-said - as-long-as - as-usual - as-well-as - at-last - at-length - at-that-time - barring - before - besides - beyond - but - certainly - chiefly - consequently - coupled-with - despite - despite-that - earlier - equally-important - especially - even - even-so - even-though - eventually - except - excepting - excluding - exclusive-of - finally - first - for-all-that - for-example - for-instance - for-the-most-part - for-this-purpose - for-this-reason - formerly - further - furthermore - generally - generally-speaking - granted - hence - here - however - in-addition - in-brief - in-conclusion - in-contrast - in-fact - in-other-words - in-particular - in-short - in-simple-terms - in-spite-of - in-summary - in-the-distance - in-the-first-place - in-the-past - in-the-same-way - incidentally - indeed - instead - it-is-true - last - lately - likewise - meanwhile - moreover - namely - naturally - nearly - nevertheless - next - notwithstanding - now - of-course - on-the-contrary - on-the-other-hand - on-the-whole - opposite - ordinarily - other-than - otherwise - outside-of - over-there - particularly - plus - presently - previously - prior-to - regardless - save - second - shortly - similarly - simultaneously - since - so-far - so-then - soon - specifically - still - subsequently - that-is - that-is-to-say - then - there - thereafter - therefore - thereupon - third - though - thus - to-illustrate - to-put-it-differently - to-summarize - to-the-left - to-the-right - too - under - until - until-now - usually - when - wherefore - yet - about - above - above-all - above-all - accordingly - across - addition - additionally - adjacent-to - after - after-all - again - ail - albeit - all - all-in-all - all-in-all - all-of-a-sudden - all-things-considered - alongside - also - although - altogether - amid - among - and - another-key-point - around - as - as-long-as - so-long-as - as-a-matter-of-fact - as-a-result - as-a-rule - as-an-illustration - as-can-be-seen - as-has-been-noted - as-if - as-long-as - as-much-as - as-shown-above - as-soon-as - as-though - as-well-as - assuming-that - at-the-present-time - at-the-same-time - at-this-instant - be-that-as-it-may - because - because-of - because-the - before - behind - below - beneath - beside - besides - between - beyond - but - by-all-means - by-and-large - by-cat - by-the-same-token - by-the-time - certainly - chiefly - comparatively - comparison - concession - concession - condition - consequence - consequence - consequently - consequently - conversely - coordinating - correlative - correspondingly - coupled-with - definitely - despite - despite-that - different-from - direction - diversion - down - due-to - during - emphasis - equally - equally-important - especially - especially - even-if - even-so - even-though - eventually - expressively - finally - finally - first - for - for-example - for-fear-that - for-instance - for-one-thing - for-the-most-part - for-the-purpose-of - for-this-reason - for-this-reason - formerly - forthwith - frequently - from - from-time-to-time - further - furthermore - furthermore - generalizing - generally - generally-speaking - given-that - granted-that - hence - henceforth - here - here-and-there - ho - how - in-addition - in-fact - in-particular - in-the-end - in-the-same-way - identically - if - immediately - in-a-moment - in-a-word - in-addition - in-any-event - in-brief - in-case - in-case-that - in-conclusion - in-contrast - in-due-time - in-effect - in-either-case - in-essence - in-fact - in-front-of - in-general - in-order-that - in-order-to - in-other-words - in-particular - in-reality - in-short - in-spite-of - in-summary - in-that-case - in-the-background - in-the-center-of - in-the-distance - in-the-event-that - in-the-final-analysis - in-the-first-place - in-the-foreground - in-the-hope-that - in-the-light-of - in-the-long-run - in-the-meantime - in-the-middle - in-the-same-fashion - in-the-same-way - in-this-case - in-time - in-view-of - inasmuch-as - including - indeed - instantly - instead - just-as - last - later - lest - like - likewise - likewise - markedly - meanwhile - mong - moreover - most-compelling-evidence - must-be-remembered - namely - near - nearby - negative-side - neither - nevertheless - next - no-sooner - nonetheless - nor - not-only - but-also - not-to-mention - notably - nothing-of - notwithstanding - now - now-that - obviously - occasionally - of - of-course - on-the-condition-that - on-balance - on-the - on-the-contrary - on-the-other-hand - on-the-positive - on-the-right - on-the-whole - on-the-whole - on-this-side - once - even-if - only-if - opposite-to - opposite-to - ordinarily - otherwise - over - overall - overall - owing-to - page - place - presently - prior-to - provided-that - quickly - rather - rather-than - reason - regardless - scarcely - seeing-that - shortly - significantly - similarly - similarly - since - so - so-as-to - so-that - sooner-or-later - sorted - specifically - specifically - still - straightaway - subordinating - such-as - suddenly - summary - surely - surprisingly - than - that-is-to-say - the-contrary - then - then-again - there - therefore - therefore - thereupon - though - thus - till - time - to - to-be-sure - to-begin-with - to-clarify - to-demonstrate - to-emphasize - to-enumerate - to-explain - to-point-out - to-put-it-another-way - to-put-it-differently - to-repeat - to-say - to-sum-up - to-summarize - to-the-end-that - to-the-left - together-with - too - truly - ultimately - under - under-those-circumstances - uniquely - unless - unlike - until - until-now - up - up-to-the-present-time - usually - what - what-with - whatever - when - whenever - where - whereas - wherever - whether - which - whichever - while - whoever - whom - whomever - whose - why - with-attention-to - with-this-in-mind - with-this-intention - without-delay - yet - do-an-assessment - reading-ability - to-see-if - extra-help - take-months - terrorist-attacks - grade-four - mona-lisa - effectiveness-of - reassess - could-have-died - in-the-accident - knew-what - increased-considerably - works-for - on-friday - so-low-that - income-tax - reassessing - dealing-with - reassessment-of - increased-in-value - in-the-last-year - positive-attitude - an-asset-to - international-trade - are-worth - sell-off - sold-off - clothing-industry - apartment-buildings - divided-equally - got-over - a-million-dollars - real-asset - went-bankrupt - good-taste - an-asset - richest-people - people-in-the-world - gross-domestic-product - developed-countries - least-developed - american-culture - job-experience - lower-income - disney - worth-over - billion-dollars - pay-off-the-loan - natural-resources - has-long-been - greatest-assets - panama-canal - ordered-the-freezing - financial-center - banking-assets - computer-systems - are-handed-in - by-tomorrow - research-papers - to-be-done - following-month - wildlife-parks - science-teacher - each-child - do-an-experiment - in-front-of-the - entire-class - final-evaluation - calculated-from - is-assigned-to - hope-too-much - dare-too-much - business-executive - by-chance - want-to-go-out-with - friends-from-school - reassigned - desk-job - investigation-into - unassigned - reassigned - assigns-homework - sights-of-the-city - homework-assignments - let-me-know - be-of-any - a-large-grant - total-points - run-into-any - it-is-customary-to - at-the-end-of-the-year - dishwasher - immediate-need - unassisted - handicapped-students - classmate - immediate-need - co-workers - highrise - classical-music- - gone-to-lunch - associates-from - law-firm - worked-as - sporting-event - came-to-an-end - no-longer-found - homesickness - culture-shock - help-in - all-over-the-world - in-association-with - are-associated-with - any-assumptions - involved-in - just-the-same-as - well-enough - descended-from- - brought-into-question - for-being-late - hath - assuming-that - industrialized-nations - age-group - little-opportunity - unassuming - the-assumption-that - is-simply-not - the-suggestion-that - death-penalty - the-consequences-of - at-the-time-that - in-which - late-with - assure-you - happen-again - done-on-time - interfere-in - internal-affairs - at-the-latest - government-spokesman - sent-back - assure-you - taken-care-of - win-against - final-round - immortality - two-thirds - opens-up - assured-of - midnight - sometime-between - raise-taxes - cheat-on - ex-girlfriend - showed-up - in-astonishment - cut-her-hair - astonishingly - astonishing-how - known-for - home-to - gaining-weight - terrible-at- - athletically - supposedly - in-a-number-of - burned-up - early-tomorrow - drop-of-water - pose-a-threat-to - ground-water - at-a-greater-depth - made-up-of - was-known-for - positive-atmosphere - attracted-to-each-other - atomic-clock - atomic-bomb - soviet-union - composed-of - beginning-of-an-era - heaviest-of-all - make-certain - boon-for - for-a-long-time - a-menace - nobel-prize - unleashed - unparalleled - atomic-energy - attached-to - grandparents - vacuum-cleaner - comes-with - upholstery - attachment-to - were-born - was-born - have-a-chance - paperclip - in-support-of - recent-photo - unattached - for-long - within-a-year - social-relations - great-value - good-education - digital-camera - hard-drive - seriously-injured - spends-a-lot-of-time - panhandlers - was-stabbed - fight-off - chemotherapy - those-found-in - as-young-as - radio-address - as-large-as - half-the - took-place - durability - at-a-greater-depth - make-an-effort-to - a-length-of - top-speed - within-seconds - in-excess-of - greatest-extent - strive-to - educational-attainment - too-many-people - unattainable - unrelenting - attain-perfection - true-happiness - social-justice - perseverance - unattainable-dream - lives-in-poverty - world-cup - seems-possible - world-peace - hot-air-balloon - in-an-attempt-to - north-america - make-an-attempt - even-if-you - making-an-attempt - on-his-own - world-record - thwarted-by - live-forever - die-in-the-attempt - charged-with - attempted-murder - count-the-stars - quit-smoking - presidential-election - which-is-known - unsuccessful - time-spans - millions-of-years - dangerous-sport - falls-below - warning-letter - millions-of-people - years-ago - cordoned-off - paramedics - average-attendance - hockey-games - upon-hearing - attend-the-funeral - student-visa - luckily - in-attendance - at-the-show - had-a-heart-attack - according-to-a-study - non-churchgoers - churchgoers - an-average-age - never-leave - on-a-hot-day - small-child - unattended - for-a-moment - nervous-system - limited-resources - daily-routine - negative-attitude - upbeat - positive-attitude - getting-too-worried - play-with-him - good-attitude - whole-thing - bad-attitude - be-fired - doesn't-change - negative-experiences - know-otherwise - attitude-towards - like-idiots - made-mistakes - get-bonuses - how-you-feel - musical-thinking - in-the-garbage - very-attractive - his-wife - gets-lots-of - at-parties - rotten-fish - ocean-currents - a-lot-of-publicity - tourist-attraction - wears-a-perfume - unattractive - unpleasant - unexpected - unbearable - harder-to-tell - grand-canyon - color-blue - long-hair - hard-work - inability - businesswoman - attributable - hard-decisions - inability - under-pressure - quarter-finals - saleswoman - global-trend - upper-management - whatsoever-of - retail-stores - staff-members - ward-off - witchcraft - an-attribute-of - health-care - inactivity - psychological-disorders - evil-spirits - unemployment - foreign-markets - shakespeare - authenticated - gogh - auctioneers - went-too-high - auctioned-off - raise-money-for - research-into - antique-furniture - john-lennon - thousands-of-dollars - highest-price - big-business - these-days - slave-trade - every-day - have-no-money - unwanted - in-the-marketplace - standing-ovation - fell-asleep - via-satellite - lights-went-down - queen-of-england - well-educated - estimated-at - a-young-boy - street-performance - in-order-to-attract - right-to-speak - film-audiences - in-front-of-an-audience - report-underlines - government-contracts - unaccounted-for - internal-audit - misdirected - private-account - auditor - year-end - immediate-attention - inefficient - charged-with-theft - discrepancies - majored-in - good-way-to - allegedly - art-expert - authenticity - called-into-question - best-seller - dying-of - in-question - author-of-the - authorship - a-well-known - acted-alone - prior-authorization - in-authority - resolve-questions - not-allowed-to - came-under - vote-on - much-less-likely-than - enemy-aliens - highest-authority - were-authorized - animal-experiments - accountable-to - by-air - transported-by - senior-citizens - are-better-able-to - getting-well - at-auction - at-all - feel-at-peace - there's-very-little - know-the-truth - at-this-distance - up-for - someday - up-for-grabs - threatening-to - every-sign-of - open-window - any-moment-now - is-imminent - arise-between - was-just-made - you-owe - on-my-mind - at-present - going-well - in-the-air - presently - has-yet-to-be - have-been-doing - as-yet - need-money - the-only-one - do-for-now - say-anything - for-the-time-being - wait-for - have-nothing-to - put-up-with - enough-for-now - managed-to - want-for-nothing - can't-remember - carelessness - hit-it-off - repeat-what - interest-in - turn-into - wanna - as-easily-as - in-the-making - falls-short-of - used-to-be - necessary-for - thinking-for - satisfied-with-my - come-up-against - housing-policy - made-capital-of - tasteless - enough-of - to-zero - zero-percent - on-business - out-of-town - so-long - nothing-particular-to - in-the-least - hang-on - go-back-to-bed - at-this-point - drops-of-rain - on-the-air - off-duty - on-duty - take-a-walk - in-season - bad-teeth - priority-over - wrong-time - unwilling-to - below-zero - all-this-time - succeeded-in - never-have-I - have-you-ever-been-to - turn-your-back-on - moved-away - looked-abandoned - too-small-to - cheap-accommodation - ex-boyfriend - by-a-vote - awaiting-approval - disapprove-of - take-part-in - overwhelmingly-approved - Western-society - approved-of - wrongdoing - approve-of - unmarried - take-approximately - approximation-of-the-number - approximate-number - accident-occurred - cost-approximately - cut-the-budget - worth-approximately - depending-on-how - how-many-questions - giving-birth - years-of-age - different-kinds-of - in-the-world - known-as - at-a-rate-of - miles-per-hour - every-person - want-to-learn - learn-much - would-be - would-be-coming - approximated - the-same-age-as - death-penalty - much-too - civilized-society - arbitrary-arrests - indefinite - chosen-arbitrarily - before-the-eyes-of - without-trial - common-features - seems-that - arbitrarily-enforced - the-mood-of - on-a-particular-day - arbitrarily-determined - arbitrary-measures - use-of-power - arbitrary-use - decision-making - above-principles - no-one-shall-be - honor-and-reputation - deprived-of- - feel-threatened - cycling-path - newlyweds - walked-under - located-at - undefended - little-girl - arched-her-back - triumphal - well-supported - North-Africa - marriage-ceremony - loses-strength - sandstones - in-the-area-of - a-total-area - square-kilometers - decreased-considerably - foot-patrols - play-area - housing-complex - play-baseball - searching-the-area - elderly-woman - get-sucked-into - more-than-one-million - stray-dogs - nearly-half-the - below-sea-level - housework-chores - rich-man - entire-life - populous - in-the-north-of - serious-problem - coastal-areas - key-to-success - as-well-as - got-frightened - big-argument - roommate - takes-too-long - I-woke-up - argumentative - finishes-badly - prime-minister - arguable - black-eye - strong-impulse - all-the-rest - according-to-a - an-average-of - family-members - heart-beats - brisk-walk - heated-argument - studies-show-that - arguments-between - should-be-allowed-to - in-the-past-month - give-me-a-call - problems-arise - don't-hesitate - questions-arise - helps-out - help-out - charges-against - smuggling-goods - pick-on - opportunity-arises - minor-problems - too-great- - concerns-arise - raise-your-hand - by-the-name-of - began-to-arise - at-the-close-of - world-war-one - thinkers - thinker - arises-from - on-the-weekend - got-out-of-bed - in-this-time-of - important-discoveries - many-important- - past-few-decades - on-the-arm-of - protect-against - violent-criminals - cowardice - world-trade-center - small-knives - on-the-lookout - supplier-of - hydrogen-bombs - greenland - with-faith - weaknesses - space-shuttles - disarmament - nuclear-arms - sometime-tomorrow- - at-noon - a-number-of-years - if-seen-from - musical-scores - arranged-marriage - convenience-store - full-confession - lawnmower - without-permission - serial-killer - a-great-deal-of - a-sigh-of-relief - breathing-a-sigh - in-connection-with - less-harmful - stamp-out - shoot-out - get-money - breaking-into - sure-hope - revolutionary-forces - a-little-later - snowstorm - pronounced-dead - on-arrival - the-arrival-of-the - within-a-couple-of-days - a-little-better - bus-depot - at-the-arrival - drinking-water - censorship - a-friend-of-mine - crap - articling-with - law-firm - filled-with - football-team - favorite-football-team - is-crazy-about - written-a-number-of - articles-on - local-newspapers - english-degree - fashion-magazines - useful-advice - advice-on - what-to-look-for - used-car - artificial-lake - in-the-center-of-the - artificial-sweeteners - make-it-attractive - artificial-leg - take-drugs - heart-rate - artificial-person - cares-about - artificially-low - government-subsidies - entertaining - make-them-artificial - human-gift - cannot-afford - artificial-barriers - national-origin - has-no-smell - artificially-added - take-measures-to-stop - artificial-island - catholic-religion - birth-control - landmines - artificial-limbs - a-lucky-few - artificial-heart - social-world- - succeeded-in- - computerized - artificial-colors - artificial-fur - all-the-aspects-of - whether-or-not-to-accept - is-said-to-be-an - extremely-important - important-aspect - every-aspect - understand-why - why-it-is-happening - took-me-a-while - different-aspects - religious-beliefs - people-don't-always - meeting-people-from - at-this-point - little-uncertain - human-beings - inner-attitudes - and-of-all - second-language-learning - the-media - reflections-are - realistic-expectations - true-meaning - all-aspects-of - humid-climate - has-influenced - life-in-the-country - social-events - foreign-affairs - are-handled-by - federal-government - the-most-famous - enter-the-European-Union - economic-policies - that-which - key-aspect - depend-on - fear-that - assassinate-the-president - at-the-summit - Martin-Luther-King - was-convicted-of - seem-to-be - not-uncommon - american-politics - british-police - have-uncovered - assassination-plot - plot-against - was-assassinated - dallas - texas - abraham-lincoln - unknown-assassin - unanswered-questions - questions-surrounding - the-assassination-of - threw-bombs - unharmed - political-leader - walking-home - through-the-park - alone-at-night - getting-into-a-fight - at-a-bar - were-being-held - tear-gas - assault-rifles - have-not-yet - before-being- - determined-if - baseball-bat - broken-arm - large-bump - bump-on-his-head - midnight-assault - in-the-head - hockey-game - unthinking - honored-by - rebel-camp - face-of-the-mountain - are-in-jail - violently-assaulted - fear-of - with-a-golf-club - king-arthur - with-a-force-of - mountaineer - descending-from - a-number-of-times - allied-forces - normandy - majority-of-women - take-a-picture-of - taken-a-picture-of - recent-news - young-woman - was-drugged - assaulted-by - in-the-downtown - by-over - assault-rifles - escaped-with - the-most-likely - family-members - playing-field - was-begun - force-out - enemy-camp - a-great-success - much-greater - chance-of-becoming - outside-the-building - left-over - assemble-them - gone-on-strike - higher-pay - police-dog - graduation-party - emergency-assembly - playground - took-us-over - nuclear-missiles - disassembly - led-zeppelin - musical-group - right-to - freedom-of - major-source-of - cannot-do-without-them - computer-system - assert-yourself - a-bit-more - seen-as - overly - final-decision - take-advantage-of - up-until - eastern-europe - during-the-reign-of - asserted-its-independence - catholic-church - great-ideas - always-listen - speaking-ability - language-skills - take-weeks - total-damage - by-the-earthquake - the-purpose-of - complex-topic - art-collection - assessed-at - low-on - the-most-popular - other-side - pick-up-my - power-failure - comes-back - in-communication-with - nothing-but - too-busy-to - start-for - paid-vacation - going-into - all-better - going-around - made-up-my-mind - quit-smoking - from-now-on - going-for-a-drive - crucial-time - the-time-to - time-for-action - make-up-your-mind - ripe-for - work-together - it-is-high-time - played-an-important-role - international-community - have-just-read - at-this-time-of-year - by-now - by-this-time - beginning-now - topped - topped-with - now-or-never - is-about-to - just-now - how-about-going - had-better-do - set-off - out-for - on-hand - if-only-I - on-a-diet - tied-up - blushing - immune-to - nowadays - regrettable-that - another-story -